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Trademark Registration

Within three days of submitting an application, you can use the TM symbol alongside your brand name. This will ensure that no other business can register the same or similar brand name.

Trademark Objection

Before transferring trademark rights to another party, an agreement must be signed and registered.

Trademark Assignment

The Intellectual Property Property department has an objection against most brand names. All you need is a lawyar to repond to this objection within 30 days.

Trademark Renewal

Trademark have a validity of 10 year Once this time is up, they need to be renewed. If you do not renew the trademark, the IP department will eventually strike it off the register.

Copyright Registration

You can start using the copyright symbol even before you apply for registration, which will take up to 18 months to be approved.

Patent Search

Before you go ahead and apply for a patent, it is sensible to check if the patent has been granted to another person or entity. For this, a patent attorney would need to go through the entire patent database.

Permanent Patent

A patent isn't easily approved, as it needs to be unique to any other creation, have commercial application and not be an abvious extension of an existing technology. A two-year process is normal.

Provisional Patent

Even before you've built your invention, you can apply for a patent, provided you are within 12 months of completing it.

FAQ's about Trademark Registration

A trademark can be registered for any term, name, device, label, numerals, or colour that can be visually represented. The trademark that is being requested for registration must also be distinctive for the services or goods for which it is being suggested.

March 10, 2021

Any mark that is identical or similar to an already-registered trademark or a trademark for which an application has been filed is ineligible for registration. Additionally, trademarks that really are likely to cause deceit or mistake, or that are offensive in any way, may be denied registration. Geographical names, common names, popular trade phrases, and abbreviations are also ineligible for trademark registration.

April 22, 2021

The trademark registration provides a list of 45 Classes under which all types of goods and services are specified to standardized the items or services that the brand will represent. Under one or more of the categories, the trademark registration must specify the type of goods or services the brand will represent. For that specific class of products or services, trademark registration is given.

April 24, 2021

No, a trademark that is registered in India is only recognized in India. However, several countries rely on trademark filings in India to register trademarks in their own countries.

May 9, 2021

Yes, a foreign individual or company can file a trademark registration application in India.

May 10, 2021

In two to three days, a trademark application can be filed with the trademark registry. The registrar, on the other side, will generally take 12 or 24 months to complete its procedures and obtain trademark registration.

May 11, 2021

Once each trademark registration has been filed with the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademark, the TM mark can be used in conjunction with the trademark.

May 12, 2021

Once the trademark application has been approved by the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks and registered trademarks has been obtained, the ® mark can be applied.

May 12, 2021

Trademarks that have been registered are valid for ten years from the date of filing. Before the trademark registration expires, the owner of a trademark can file a renewal application to remain it active.

May 14, 2021

If the trademark examiner sends the applicants a conference notice and the applicant does not respond within 30 days of receipt, the application is automatically denied. In this scenario, a fresh application must be submitted.

May 15, 2021

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